Xerosun, Eyesclosed and Spitting Bones live in the Pint 8th May

By Fiachra, Tuesday, 20th April 2010 | 0 comments
Filed under: Gigs, News.

Xerosun, Eyesclosed and Spitting Bones will take the stage of The Pint on the 8th of May for the Summer Shout event that should not be missed! The venue, the Pint is a new venue located on Eden Quay and offers some great sound, a great pint and is close to both bus and taxi ranks.

Due to the great music on the night, they have generously offered to put on a special deal on drinks, with all pints are €4.00 and all shorts + mixers are €5.00.

It promises to be a great night, with top bands, cheap drink and the entry fee is only €5.00! As always, Xerosun will have albums for €10.00 and and T-shirts for €15.00 on sale in the venue on the night.

Want a free poster of the event? Click the thumbnail below for a full size version!

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